Well... not really. Not yet. Instead, this first post shall be dedicated to what this blog is all about.
I love old school retro games. Always have. There is nothing better than sitting down with a Super Nintendo and enjoying some 16-bit goodness. Well, except maybe some 8-bit goodness with the NES(I grew up with Nintendo, sue me).
One day I was sitting around rather bored, and this idea dawned on me. I should play every old school game released. NES, SNES and Genesis to be specific. I'll most likely add more consoles as time goes on(I'm looking at you, N64). Most of my ideas usually just get shoved away but this time I decided to go through with it.
It's going to be a long journey. There are many games to play. I've made a "little" check list, containing all the games from the three consoles currently in the running. When I finish with a game, it'll be checked off and I'll move on to whatever I feel like playing next(If I get enough readers, eventually I'll start letting people vote on what I play next).
Now... to those wondering, 'How is he going to get all these games? Some are expensive/rare/impossible to get?' Let's not be naive, shall we? When possible, I will buy the game(Though I already own quite a few). My local Vintage Stock has quite the selection. As does Ebay and Amazon. Though sometimes, there will be games that I just can't buy. I'd say an example would be the Nintendo World Championship carts, but the amazing site retrousb.com just starting selling reproduction carts. But still. For those that I find just impossible to get, I'll still play them... but, y'know.
Also, I will be playing all the games using an emulator. Yes, even the ones I already own and the ones I am going to buy. This makes it easier for me to take screenshots and videos. I understand some of the feel will be lost by doing this, but... for a project this size it seems necessary. I will however, still be playing the games with their original controllers, once again thanks to the great work done by retrousb.com(No, I have nothing to do with them, even if I am plugging them a lot in this post).
Now on to the schedule. Game updates will be posted every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Wednesday will be eventually be devoted to a as of right now unrevealed project, and Sundays will be devoted to wrapping up the progress made that week.
Now... for the moment you've all been waiting for. The first game to be played is...
See you guys tomorrow.
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